1882: Jewish Zionist movement begins to settle in Palestine under Ottoman rule.
1917: British mandate in Palestine begins after Ottoman Empire defeat in World War I.
1947: United Nations votes to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.
1948: Israel declares independence, war breaks out with neighboring Arab countries.
1967: Six-Day War, Israel gains control of West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.
1993: Oslo Accords, Israel recognizes the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the representative of the Palestinian people and agrees to grant limited autonomy to the Palestinian Authority.
2000: Camp David Summit fails to achieve a final peace agreement.
2005: Israel withdraws from Gaza Strip.
2006: Hamas wins Palestinian legislative elections.
2014: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza Strip.
2021: Tensions rise in Jerusalem, leading to an 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza Strip.
The conflict remains unresolved, with ongoing issues over borders, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem.